I want to teach you tools to
Navigate Life’s Big Changes
Maybe you are ready for a change, or the change is already happening
How would your life look differently if you took control and stopped coasting on autopilot?
What if the experiences you were having and the Story of your life were made up of your own creation, from your desires?
How does it feel to be in the same place every year and still have that dream of… Traveling, starting the passion project, moving to a new city to start over, being in the relationship you desire ( with yourself), taking that risk you feel will liberate you in some mysterious way… one you’ll never know unless you take some aligned action, and soon.
Maybe you are navigating big changes that you didn’t choose, and through the experience of that, you want to apply yourself to the changes you wish to make. Maybe you like to handle this life-changing challenge better.
Change is hard, that’s why we don’t do it… It’s especially hard when those we surround ourselves with are not on their own transformational path. If everyone else is settling for what has come, and they are not actively in pursuit of a dream it can feel very lonely, and years can go by without any real growth or change.
All situations don’t have to be bad to want better, you can just have a feeling you are ready for something new, or you might have outgrown the comfort and just crave something new and challenging. Allowing ourselves to grow can be a scary change on its own.
It’s more than ok to want better when things are already good.
It’s brave to seek relief and risk the discomfort you know for a new unknown pain while searching for peace. It’s smart to ask for help when you don't know where to start and the path seems unclear, even from someone who is just a few steps into the fog and they can reassure you, you’ll only regret not taking the next step.
Maybe change for you looks like
Exploring a new career path,or taking a risk to make a big shift within the same field
Chasing a big dream, something new completely
Moving to a whole new place, with new everything, including you
Experiencing a loss, grieving who and what once was
Building a business for the first or 10th time
Taking responsibility for your self-authority and personal trust for the first time
A sabbatical from work
Reassessing your life, the traditions and family dynamics you have blindly accepted for so long
Traveling full-time, overseas, or adventuring in to “Vanlife”
Why consider me….
Hi, I’m Ashley!
I either speak your language or I don’t… We vibe, or not.
I have been a hairstylist for 17 years, most of which I consider “human research”. The Human condition is the most fascinating subject for me to spend my time being curious about. If you also find yourself curious, then we will likely vibe.
My life’s path has been risky, I take chances, because I feel like trailblazing is less painful than the “What ifs” and regrets of not living this life.
My Family had a business growing up, I learned young how to make money and do it on your terms. I have always valued my time, energy, and freedom above all else and that has been the driving force in my decision making. Along the way I have built a business I was proud of, and other times lessons I knew I would learn from. Making money, and keeping it is the art of being an entrepreneur, It is where you do the most “Work” on yourself, and your self-worth.
My inner world took priority nearly 10 years ago. It was inspired by the connections I had with clients in my chair, but the experiences pointed to me and what I needed to improve, or look into… Who was I? What was I making out of my life, was I the one “Making” my life, What patterns, habits, and mindset limitations are keeping me from reaching for my dreams?
I suspected life could be beyond my wildest dreams, more than the examples I had from my surrounding friends and family. More joy, peace, stability, love, and compassion (self-compassion), freedom from what others influenced… free from time! I wanted radical Freedom.
Little by little I took inventory of my life, with the help of books and podcasts, until I found my first coach. I now see they are teachers because they taught me about myself, let me see me. Offered the space and time to practice being the “who” I wanted to create. This will always be my greatest investment.
I learned to invest in myself, in the form of curiosity. I studied systems and ancient teaching, I hired teachers to tutor me in topics I struggled to wrap my head around, like myself and my blind spots. Courses on business, writing, and money management, the studies never end, I will forever be a student, a student of life.
In addition to knowledge, I like to think my life experiences have nurtured wisdom. I intimately know loss, death, and suffering, equally I have joy, delight, and adventure. To the depths of which I have felt pain and death, I have sought out experiences that offer enthusiastic aliveness. To live is to grow, when something is not growing, it is dead. We all die, but not all of us live.
If the work has one value I’d like to point out, it’s trading in the capacity to endure pain and discomfort, for the capacity to feel joy and love. Joy and love towards yourself, it’s all a domino effect from there.
Check out my YouTube channel… I share lessons and curious ideas to explore on your own
The biggest obstacle I notice in this world of help is the cost of entry. It’s high, I know cause I have invested Tens of Thousands of dollars. Those who can use it the most may never know the value, because of the investment. There is also a truth, or law that dictates that we only value what we pay for… It’s equally true that we should be compensated for the unique gifts we share with the world, there is no way I’d rather support myself than to support others. So as I begin this new path I feel it’s fair to start the pricing low, and if you find more value, i’ll leave it up to you to increase the payment. I know from experience it is incredibly hard to take on new challenges when it is stretching you too thin financially. I offer the freedom to stay as long as you wish, book calls as you feel helpful, or month-long commitments for those who feel it will benefit their growth to have consistent
Free 99
Discovery call
How else will we know if we vibe, we both invest in a 30-minute quick call to see how we connect. No pressure, just seeing If I speak your language, if I can help and if you are willing and able to take on “Your Great Work”, the learning and unlearning or yourself
$25 minimum
One hour call/ video chat
This conversation is more in depth, telling truths and seeking objective observations. The time and space are designed for you to listen and hear your thoughts, dreams, fears, and limitations. You have the Mic so to speak, with your permissin we investigate what you share and together clarify it to move forward with more clarity
$100 minimum
One month, 3 one hour calls. With text and one SOS call.
Sometimes one and done isn’t enough, and knowing support is there for the month gives the energy to push through. 3 definite one-hour calls give enough time in between to let the lessons and practices sink in, the one bonus is when things get cloudy, you don’t know how to handle a situation with your new skill set, or want to brain storm a challenge. The whole month long I offer texts support, can also be in form of short 3-5 min voice memos.