Love that for me
My nervous system is regulated. I am not living in fear, and I facing my poor patterns with grace and compassion, and I love that for me.
I live from abundance and trust the universe will provide, providing I show up embodying fully that I know this. And I love this me.
Pleasure is a recurrence in spontaneous and serendipitous ways to remind me I am connected to the source, and I love this for me.
I am stepping into what it feels like for me to accept fully being seen, quitting the shame, and guilt, and overcoming the self-talk that doesn’t serve my highest good, and I love that for me.
I know self-authority, I have harmony at my fingertips, I always know the way back home, I know how to remember myself and do it often, and I LOVE this for me!
Stories I notice that enter my world intending to interfere with my peace, I dismiss with gentle denial to make a home here, and I love this for me.
My relationships are rich in value, like trust, honesty, safety, and best of all play, and I love this me.
I see the generational recurrences in my family that didn’t serve those who knew them, and so I decided they will not pass with me, they will be here, and I love that for me.
Being is my chief aim, I base my reality on being, and I love that for me.
Learning has been and I hope will continue to be my driving force in my evolution, Spirit calls to me through me and I am curious, and I love that for me.
Grief and loss are an intimate part of my story, I mourn, I know anguish, and an embodied despair, I love that for me.
My lesson in life with all pain I am blessed to see the light lining the moment to reveal the hand God had, the shadow and light present in our lives. To look life in the eyes and watch it cry tears of joy and tears of pain, and have reverence for both, well, I love that for me!